Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Love Me as you are

Love Me as you are. I know your misery, the combats and tribulations of your soul, the weakness and infirmities of your body. I know your laziness, your sins, your failings; and I tell you, just the same, give Me your heart. Love Me AS YOU ARE. If you wait until you become an angel to deliver yourself to Love, you will never love Me. Even if you fail often in those particular sins that you would rather never know, even if you are lazy in the practice of virtue, I do not permit you to not love Me. Love Me as you are, at every instant and in every position you may find yourself, whether you be in fervor, in dryness, or in tepidity; whether you be in fidelity or infidelity, love Me just AS YOU ARE. I want the love of your poor heart, your indigent heart. If you decide to wait until you are perfect to love Me, you will never love Me. Do you realize that I could take every single grain of sand that exists and make of each grain a seraphim all radiant with purity, of nobility, and of love? Could I not with a single sign of My will make surge or rise up from nothingness, millions of saints, a million times more perfect and more loveable than the saints I have already created? Am I not All-Powerful? And if it please Me to not do this, and to leave into nothingness all these marvelous beings that I could actually make to rise and create, and prefer to them all your poor love, is that not My business? My child, let Me love you. I want your heart. I definitely intend to form you, but in the meantime, I love you AS YOU ARE. You… love Me AS YOU ARE. I desire to see this love that you have rise and increase from the bottom of your misery. I love in you even your weakness, I love the love of the poor. Today, I stand at the door of your heart as a mendicant, a beggar... I who am the Lord of Lords. I knock and I wait. Please hasten to open to Me and don't use as an excuse to not open to Me, your own misery. Your indigence, if you really knew it totally, your poverty, if you fully understood it, would make you die of sorrow. The only thing that would wound My heart would be to see you doubt and to lack confidence. I want you to think of Me every hour of the day and of the night. I do not want you to pause at any action and even the most insignificant of actions without any other motive than that of love. From this indigence, this poverty, must rise continually this cry: "Lord, I love You!" This is the song of your heart that is important: That you love Me. I do not need your science and I do not need your talents and virtues, you are so weak that, soon, self-love would get mixed in all of this; and so you must not worry about that. I could have destined you to do great things. No, you shall be the servant who is useless. I will take from you even the very little that you have because I have created you for Love. So love. Love will make you do the rest without your even thinking of it. Do not seek any other thing but to fill the present moment with your love. And when you have to suffer, I will give you strength. You gave Me love, I will give you the ability to love beyond anything you could have ever dreamed of. Just remember this, LOVE ME AS YOU ARE. Do not wait to become a saint to deliver to Me your love and to deliver yourself to Love, other wise you will never love.

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